Making Connections in the Community

by Sara Crimm, Director and Co-Founder of Families CCAN

“Without relationships life is challenging.  The primary way we all gauge our life success is measured by the impact we have with and by other people.” – Al Condeluci, Ph.D

In many ways the Pandemic we experienced during the past 2+ years was an equalizer. The same restrictions – social distancing, staying at home, wearing masks, participating in social and work events through virtual or remote platforms -  applied to everyone.  It was an isolating and disorienting time. But also a time for the general population to experience the same loneliness and disconnection that individuals with disabilities and their families often feel as a matter of course.

Disconnection often happens during the transition years, when students end their school careers. They no longer have the daily activities and proximity to others that have come to define their days, along with interactions with familiar classmates, teachers, therapists, even bus drivers or crossing guards.  Post-21 our family members are often not transitioning to settings that foster building relationships. Families lose touch with one another.

In our work supporting families we often hear from parents and guardians that their circles have grown smaller over time. The needs, decisions, and demands of daily life, especially supporting a family member with a disability, take precedence. Making friends or acquiring new acquaintances take a back seat. And not because families don’t want these connections!

We recognize that building relationships is an essential element to creating a full Everyday life. Having community connections brings joy, security, well-being and sustainability to every person – but especially for our family members with disabilities who are reaching for independence. 

This is why Families CCAN is hosting its first Delaware County virtual meet-up on January 18th.  We want to facilitate a gathering – virtual for now - for families and individuals living in and near Delaware County to: meet, share resources, swap stories, find common ground, discuss concerns, and develop connections. It's our first time, so we don’t know where this will lead!  We will start with a virtual forum and build from there. Come join us and start to sweep out those loneliness cobwebs! Let us know what you want or need – we are here to help you on your journey.

Start right now by registering to join us on January 18th!  Hope to see you there.


Community Spotlight: Mo


Empowering Independence